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Ada for Software Engineers, 2nd Edition

Book Description
Ada is the programming language of choice for high integrity software systems and is used extensively in industries such as transportation and aerospace. This textbook is intended for experienced programmers (advanced students and practicing software engineers) who need to master software design and programming in Ada.
- See more at: http://freecomputerbooks.com/Ada-for-Software-Engineers.html#sthash.6bd4yCQP.dpuf

Book Description
Ada is the programming language of choice for high integrity software systems and is used extensively in industries such as transportation and aerospace. This textbook is intended for experienced programmers (advanced students and practicing software engineers) who need to master software design and programming in Ada.
- See more at: http://freecomputerbooks.com/Ada-for-Software-Engineers.html#sthash.6bd4yCQP.dpuf
Book Description
  Ada is the programming language of choice for high integrity software systems and is used extensively in industries such as transportation and aerospace. This textbook is intended for experienced programmers (advanced students and practicing software engineers) who need to master software design and programming in Ada.

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